How to Study for Exams Using WorksheetCloud
Studying for exams sucks. Your child has to open each textbook. Read each page. Make notes. Highlight a bunch of stuff. There has to be a better way to do things. Oh wait, there is! WorksheetCloud! I’m going to show you just how fun and easy it is to study with...
How To Keep Your Child Motivated in Term 3 with WorksheetCloud
WorksheetCloud wasn’t designed as an “exam time only” tool. We designed it to be an all year round revision tool.

How To Stop Study Burnout
Feeling completely beat from the current exams? Not sure how you are going to make it through? Don’t worry, here’s how!

Left Studying Too Late? Here’s What To Do!
The truth is, children often leave their studying too late. Before we know it, the exams are here and we are the ones who have to play therapist and convince our stressed children that “everything is going to be okay” when in our own minds, even we are doubting that. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to remedy the situation.