Rock your Grade 7 exams!
Over 300+ printable worksheets and memos (plus FREE bonus content!) to help your Grade 7 child prepare for class tests and exams.
Your child has reached their final year in primary school, Grade 7! Congratulations! Grade 7 is not only a challenging year academically, but also emotionally as your child will be starting high school next year which brings a host of new experiences. The Grade 7 curriculum concepts your child learns this year lay a very important foundation for understanding next year’s Grade 8 curriculum in high school. Will your child struggle or succeed this year?
These are questions that all parents worry about when their child begins Grade 7. But don’t stress, because WorksheetCloud has your back!
We’ve developed a premium pack of all the printable learning resources your child will need during Grade 7 that will allow them to practice and revise what they learn in class, while helping to prepare them for Grade 8 next year.
WorksheetCloud Grade 7 Premium Pack was created from the ground up by expert Intermediate Phase teachers in South Africa. This printable pack from WorksheetCloud is designed to help your child succeed during their Grade 7 year.
What do you get?
- Over 300+ high-quality, printable worksheets and practice exams covering all Grade 7 subjects.
- Every worksheet and exam has a detailed memorandum that include in-depth explanations to help your child understand each question and answer.
- All the content is based on the Grade 7 South African CAPS and IEB curriculum and is 100% up-to-date.
- FREE bonus #1: Exam terminology dictionary with a list of common exam terminology that will help your child ace their Grade 7 exams.
- FREE bonus #2: Background music audio tracks to help improve your child’s focus and attention span during study sessions.
- FREE bonus #3: Printable homework and study timetable to help your child plan their activities and Grade 7 study schedule.
Grade 7 Subjects Included
Based on the 2023 South African Grade 7 CAPS and IEB school curriculum. The following Grade 7 subjects and topics are included in the WorksheetCloud Grade 7 Premium Pack download:
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Adjectives – Degrees of comparison
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Antonyms
- Comprehension: Advertising
- Comprehension: Going snorkeling
- Comprehension: I need dreams, just the way you do
- Comprehension: Living through a tornado
- Comprehension: Obesity
- Comprehension: Once upon a time
- Comprehension: Samuel Pepys
- Comprehension: Scott’s last expedition
- Comprehension: The bully in the dress
- Comprehension: Who’s who and what did you do?
- Dictionary skills
- Direct and indirect speech
- Figures of speech – rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, similes, metaphors
- General grammar
- Homophones and homonyms
- Idioms
- Introduction to drama and folklore
- Literal, figurative and emotive language
- Nouns – common, proper, abstract, collective
- Parts of speech
- Poetry
- Proverbs
- Punctuation
- Simple, Compound and Complex sentences
- Spelling
- Subject-verb agreement
- Synonyms
- Tenses
- Visual Literacy: Advertising
- Antonieme & Sinonieme
- Beeldspraak – vergelyking, metafoor, alliterasie, assonansie
- Begripstoets: ‘n Onderhoud met Irma Joubert
- Begripstoets: Die lewe in ‘n oase
- Begripstoets: Die nuwe huis
- Begripstoets: Die oorgewig uil
- Begripstoets: Die see
- Begripstoets: Nelson Mandela
- Begripstoets: Op pad om te gaan duik?
- Begripstoets: Scott se laaste reis
- Begripstoets: Slakke, enige iemand?
- Begripstoets: Van Panda na Picasso
- Byvoeglike naamwoorde
- Direkte en indirekte rede
- Gedigte
- Homofone en homonieme
- Idiome, intensiewe vorme, vergelykings
- Leestekens
- Lydende en bedrywende vorm
- Meervoudsvorme
- Ontkenning
- Samestellings en afleidings
- Sinsbou
- Sinsoorte
- Taal
- Tyd – woordeskat
- Tydsvorme
- Vergelykings, letterlik en figuurlik
- Voor- en agtervoegsels
- Voornaamwoorde
- Woordeboekvaardighede
- Woordeskat
- Woordsoorte
Mathematics / Wiskunde
- Area and Perimeter
- Calculations with integers and properties of integers
- Common fractions
- Construction of geometric figures
- Counting Numbers
- Decimal fractions
- Exponents: Square numbers and cube numbers
- Geometry of 2D Shapes: Quadrilaterals
- Geometry of 2D shapes: Triangles
- Geometry of 3-D objects
- Geometry of straight lines
- Integers and Number Properties
- Ratio, Rates, Conversions
- Volume and Surface Area
- Whole numbers: Calculations with whole numbers
- Whole numbers: Counting, ordering and comparing integers
- Whole numbers: Financial Maths
- Whole numbers: Multiples and factors
- Whole numbers: properties of whole numbers
- Desimale breuke
- Eksponente: Getalle met vierkantswortels en derdemagswortels
- Gewone Breuke
- Heelgetalle en Getalle Eienskappe
- Heelgetalle: Berekeninge met en eienskappe van heelgetalle
- Heelgetalle: Berekeninge met heelgetalle
- Heelgetalle: Eienskappe van heelgetalle
- Heelgetalle: Finansiële Wiskunde
- Heelgetalle: Tel, ordening en vergelyking van heelgetalle
- Heelgetalle: Veelvoude en faktore
- Telgetalle
- Verhouding, Koers en Omskakelings
- Oppervlakte en Omtrek
- Volume en Buite-oppervlakte
- Meetkunde van 2-D vorms: Driehoeke
- Meetkunde van 2-D vorms: Vierhoeke
- Meetkunde van 3-D voorwerpe
- Meetkunde van reguit lyne
Natural Science / Natuurwetenskappe
- Energy transfer and the national grid
- Heat transfer, insulation and energy saving
- Sources and types of energy
- Classification of living things
- Diversity of animals
- Diversity of plants
- Sexual reproduction of humans and angiosperms
- The biosphere and biodiversity
- Acids, bases and neutrals
- Methods of physical separation
- Periodic Table of Elements
- Properties of materials and mixtures
- Properties of metals, semi-metals and non-metals
- Historical development of Astronomy
- Relationship of the Moon to Earth
- Relationship of the Sun to Earth
- Solar energy and the Earth’s seasons
- Stored solar energy and life on Earth
- Bronne van energie en soorte energie
- Die biosfeer en biodiversiteit
- Diversiteit van diere
- Diversiteit van plante
- Eienskappe van materiale en mengsels
- Eienskappe van metale, semi-metale en nie-metale
- Energie en die nasionale elektrisiteitsnetwerk
- Geslagtelike voortplanting
- Historiese ontwikkeling van Astronomie
- Hitte oordrag, isolasie en energiebesparing
- Klassifikasie van lewende dinge
- Metodes van fisiese skeiding
- Periodieke Tabel van Elemente
- Sonenergie en die Aarde se seisoene
- Sure, basisse en neutrale stowwe
- Verhouding van die Maan tot die Aarde
- Verhouding van die Son tot die Aarde
History / Geskiedenis
- Bronne van energie en soorte energie
- Die biosfeer en biodiversiteit
- Diversiteit van diere
- Diversiteit van plante
- Eienskappe van materiale en mengsels
- Eienskappe van metale, semi-metale en nie-metale
- Energie en die nasionale elektrisiteitsnetwerk
- Geslagtelike voortplanting
- Historiese ontwikkeling van Astronomie
- Hitte oordrag, isolasie en energiebesparing
- Klassifikasie van lewende dinge
- Metodes van fisiese skeiding
- Periodieke Tabel van Elemente
- Sonenergie en die Aarde se seisoene
- Sure, basisse en neutrale stowwe
- Verhouding van die Maan tot die Aarde
- Verhouding van die Son tot die Aarde
- Aankoms van die Britte en die uitbreiding van die grense van Europese nedersetting
- Die impak van die trans-Atlantiese slawehandel
- Die koninkryk van Mali
- Die noordelike grens van Europese nedersetting
- Die oostelike grens van Europese nedersetting
- Ekonomiese impak van die trans-Atlantiese slawehandel
- Handel oor die Sahara-woestyn
- Inheemse inwoners en nedersetting van Afrika-boere in die 17de eeu
- Leo Africanus, die stad en handel
- Nederlandse nedersetting en slawe in die Kaap
- Slawerny in die suide van Amerika
- Vryburgers, Nederlandse en Franse Hugenote
- Wes-Afrika voor die Europese slawehandel (16de eeu)
Geography / Geografie
- Current events
- Distance and scale
- Factors affecting birth and death rates
- Floods
- Local and street maps
- Management of Resources
- Natural resources
- Population concepts
- Structure of the Earth
- Volcanoes and earthquakes
- Water in South Africa
- World population growth
- Afstand en Skaal
- Bestuur van hulpbronne
- Bevolkingskonsepte
- Die wêreld se bevolkingsgroei
- Faktore wat geboorte-en sterftesyfers beinvloed
- Huidige gebeure
- Natuurlike hulpbronne
- Plaaslike kaarte en straatkaarte
- Struktuur van die aarde
- Vloede
- Vloede NUUT
- Vulkane en aardbewings
- Water in Suid-Afrika
- Accounting concepts
- Budgets
- Businesses
- Goods and services
- History of money
- Income and expenses
- Inequality and poverty
- Needs and wants
- Savings – Personal, Banks and Financial Institutions
- Starting a business
- The entrepreneur
- The production process – Economic growth, Productivity and Technology
- The production process – Stages, Inputs and Outputs, Sustainable Resources
- Begin ‘n Besigheid
- Begrotings
- Behoeftes en begeertes
- Besighede
- Besparing – persoonlik, banke en finansiële instellings.
- Die Entrepreneur
- Die produksieproses – Fases, insette en uitsette, volhoubare hulpbronne
- Ekonomiese groei, produktiwiteit en tegnologie
- Geskiedenis van geld
- Goedere en dienste
- Inkomste en uitgawes
- Ongelykheid en armoede
- Rekeningkunde begrippe
- Introduction to graphic communication
- Mini-PAT: Shelters for refugees
- Mini-PAT: The Jaws-of-life rescue system
- Processing of materials for emergency situations
- Simple electrical systems and control
- Simple mechanisms: first-class, second-class and third-class levers.
- Structures
- The design process & design considerations
Why WorksheetCloud?
Practice makes perfect.
WorksheetCloud Grade 7 Premium Pack will allow your child to practice hundreds of relevant, curriculum-based questions in English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History, Geography, Technology and EMS. We’ve included full memorandums that contain correct answers as well as detailed explanations and working-out of each and every question. In a nutshell, WorksheetCloud Grade 7 Premium Pack will get your child ready for all their tests and exams. It’s the easiest way to learn and study.
You can access your content on any device.
View your worksheets and tests on your Apple iPad or Android tablet, your smartphone, or your laptop or desktop computer. WorksheetCloud works on any device and allows your child to access CAPS curriculum worksheets in English and Afrikaans from home, school, or even on the bus.
You’ll never need to set another practise test for your child, ever.
You can print our worksheets for your child to revise on paper, just like the way they do their exams and class tests. Our school worksheets are a great way to simulate an exam and help you determine if your child needs more revision of the Grade 7 curriculum.
Purchase the WorksheetCloud Grade 7 Premium Pack today and you’ll receive the following bonuses worth R299 for FREE:
- Exam Terminology Dictionary – This downloadable ebook helps your child learn important words and instructions used in exam papers. By reading this easy guide, your child will be prepared to ace their Grade 7 school exams.
- Audio MP3 Tracks – Download and play our peaceful audio tracks to help your child stay calm and focused during their studying sessions.
- Exam and Homework Schedule Template – Printable study timetable and checklist templates to help your child stay focused and organised during exam time.
Additional Product Information
- Product type: Digital download
- Grade: Grade 7
- Compatibility: Android Tablet, Apple iPad, Apple Mac, Linux, Windows
- System requirements: PDF reader
- Language version: English and Afrikaans
- Download size: 417MB
License Agreement
This version of WorksheetCloud Print is sold with a PRIVATE USE LICENSE, meaning that you can use it at home for personal use with your own child. You are not allowed to distribute, adapt or sell the content. This content may not be used for commercial purposes (e.g. at schools or tutoring).
If you are a teacher or tutor and you’d like to use WorksheetCloud Print with your learners, we have School and Tutor packages available to suit your needs and budget. Contact our support team to request pricing.
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