Here’s everything your learners will get access to for Grade 10
Worksheets and Practice Exams!
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Features available for Grade 10:
Practice Exams
Features available for Grade 10:
Practice Exams
Curriculum content currently available for Grade 10:
- Pure Maths
- Maths Literacy
- Wiskunde
- Afrikaans: Eerste Addisionele Taal
- English: Home Language
- Business Studies
- Accounting
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- 2D trigonometric problems
- Algebraic equations: Linear equations and inequalities
- Algebraic Fractions
- Analytical geometry: Integrated problems
- Angles of depression and elevation
- Angles on the Cartesian plane
- Distance between two points
- Euclidean geometry: Integrated problems
- Exchange Rates
- Exponential equations
- Exponential expressions
- Exponential functions
- Factorisation
- Finance: Integrated problems
- Five number summary and Box and Whisker diagrams
- Fractions in equations
- Functional notation
- Functions: Integrated problems
- Gradient of a line
- Hire Purchase
- Hyperbolic functions
- Inflation
- Linear functions
- Literal equations
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of dispersion
- Midpoint of a line
- Number patterns
- Population Growth
- Probability
- Products
- Quadratic equations
- Quadratic functions
- Quadrilaterals
- Revision: Equations and inequalities
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Solving simultaneous equations
- Special Angles
- Straight line geometry
- Surface Area and Volume
- The number system and notation
- Triangles
- Trigonometric Equations
- Trigonometric functions
- Trigonometric ratios
- Banking
- Calculations with fractions and decimals
- Classifying, organising and collecting data
- Conversion
- Financial documents
- Income-and-expenditure statements and budgets
- Income, expenditure, profit and loss
- Interest
- Length
- Makings sense of graphs that tell a story
- Mapwork
- Models and Plans
- Numbers and calculations with numbers
- Patterns, relationships and representations
- Perimeter and area
- Probability
- Rounding
- Scale
- Summarising data
- Tariff systems
- Taxation
- Temperature
- Time
- Volume
- Weight
- 2D trigonometriese probleme
- Afstand tussen twee punte
- Algebraïese breuke
- Analitiese meetkunde: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Bevolkingsgroei
- Breuke in vergelykings
- Buite-oppervlakte en volume
- Driehoeke
- Eksponensiële funksies
- Eksponensiële uitdrukkings
- Eksponensiële vergelykings
- Enkelvoudige en saamgestelde rente
- Euklidiese meetkunde: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Faktorisering
- Finansies: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Funksies: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Funksionele Notasie
- Getallestelsel en notasie
- Getalpatrone
- Gradiënt van ‘n lyn
- Hersiening: Vergelykings en ongelykhede
- Hiperboliese funksies
- Hoeke op die Cartesiese vlak
- Hoogte- en dieptehoeke
- Huurkoop
- Inflasie
- Kwadratiese funksies
- Kwadratiese vergelykings
- Lineêre funksies
- Lineêre vergelykings en ongelykhede
- Maatstawwe van sentrale neiging
- Maatstawwe van verspreiding
- Middelpunt van ‘n lyn
- Oplos van gelyktydige vergelykings
- Produkte
- Reguitlyn meetkunde
- Spesiale hoeke
- Trigonometriese funksies
- Trigonometriese vergelykings
- Trigonometriese verhoudings
- Vergelykings met letter-koëffisiënte
- Vierhoeke
- Vyf-getal-opsomming en mond-en-snor diagramme
- Waarskynlikheid
- Wisselkoerse
- Begripstoetse
- Drama – kenmerke en begrip
- Gedigte – algemeen
- Gedigte – metafore, vergelykings, personifikasie, alliterasie, assonansie.
- Kortverhaal – kenmerke en begrip
- Advertensies – taal in konteks
- Afkortings, verkortings en akronieme
- Byvoeglike naamwoorde – Intensiewe vorme
- Byvoeglike naamwoorde – Trappe van vergelyking, attributief en predikatief
- Bywoorde
- Deelwoorde
- Die enkelvoudige en saamgestelde sin
- Direkte en Indirekte Rede
- Gevoelstaal, veralgemening en stereotipering
- Homofone en homonieme
- Idiome
- Leestekens
- Letterlike en figuurlike betekenis – denotasie en konnotasie
- Lydende en bedrywende vorm
- Ontkenning
- Selfstandige naamwoorde – meervoude, verkleining en geslag
- Sinonieme, antonieme en paronieme
- Sinsoorte – stelsin, vraagsin, bevelsin, uitroepsin
- Soorte selfstandige naamwoorde – eiename, soortname, versamelname, stofname, abstrakte selfstandige naamwoorde
- Spelreëls, spelfoute, los en vas skryf van woorde, hoofletters, skryftekens
- Spotprente – taal in konteks
- Stamme, afleidings, samestellings en verbindingsklanke
- Tyd en tydsvorme
- Voegwoorde – Groep 1, 2 en 3
- Voorsetsels en voornaamwoorde
- Voorvoegsels en agtervoegsels
- Werkwoorde
- Woordorde in sinne – STOMPI
- Woordsoorte – Algemeen
- Active and Passive Voice
- Ambiguity, puns and malapropism
- Comprehensions
- Denotation and connotation
- Direct and Indirect (Reported) Speech
- Idiomatic Expressions
- Sentences: Phrases and clauses
- Sentences: Subject, Verb, Object
- Spelling: Americanisms, homophones, homonyms
- Summary
- Textual Editing: Adjectives and adverbs
- Textual Editing: Miscellaneous Errors
- Textual editing: Nouns and pronouns
- Textual Editing: Prepositions and conjunctions
- Textual Editing: Punctuation
- Textual Editing: Verbs
- Visual Literacy: Advertising
- Visual Literacy: Cartoons
- Business opportunities, related factors and location decisions
- Business sectors
- Contemporary socio-economic issues
- Contracts
- Creative thinking and problem-solving
- Forms of ownership
- Macro environment: Components, features and different types of macro environments
- Macro environment: Relationship and interrelationship of environments
- Market environment
- Micro environment: Administration, financing, purchasing, public relations and quality
- Micro environment: Components and features, business functions and general management
- Presentation of business information
- Self-management
- Social responsibility & Entrepreneurial qualities
- Team dynamics
- The business plan
- Additional cash transactions and petty cash
- Basic budgeting concepts
- Cost Accounting
- Creditors
- Debtors
- Ethics
- Financial Accounting of a sole trader
- GAAP principles
- General Journal
- Informal or indigenous booking systems
- Internal Control
- Preparation of financial statements
- Revision of grade 9 content.
- Salaries and Wages: Journal, theory and calculations
- Value-Added Tax
- Year-end adjustments
- Animal tissues, biotechnology and indigenous knowledge.
- Biodiversity and classification
- Biospheres and Biomes
- Cell division: Mitosis
- Cells: The basic units of life – Animal cells
- Cells: The basic units of life – Plant cells
- Different tissues of the skeleton
- Environment and Ecosystems
- Life’s history: Change throughout the history of life on Earth
- Organs
- Plant tissues
- Support systems in plants
- The chemistry of life
- Transport systems in Mammals (Human)
- Types of skeletons and bones
- Understanding of fossil formation and tourism
- Atoms and atomic models
- Chemical and physical change
- Chemical Bonding
- Electric circuits
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electrostatics
- Energy
- Magnetism
- Sound
- States of matter and kinetic molecular theory
- Stoichiometry
- The periodic table
- Transverse pulses
- Transverse waves and longitudinal waves
- Vectors, scalars and vector diagrams
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