Here’s everything your learners will get access to for Grade 11
Worksheets and Practice Exams!
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Features available for Grade 11:
Practice Exams
Features available for Grade 11:
Practice Exams
Curriculum content currently available for Grade 11:
- Pure Maths
- Wiskunde
- Maths Literacy
- Afrikaans (Eerste Addisionele Taal)
- English Home Language
- Life Sciences
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- 2D trigonometric problems
- Area rule
- Box and Whisker plot, outliers and distribution of data
- Calculations with surds
- Complete the square including maximum and minimum
- Cosine rule
- Cumulative frequency graphs (Ogives)
- Euclidean geometry
- Exponential equations
- Exponential expressions
- Exponential functions
- Fractions in equations
- Functions: Integrated problems
- Grade 10 Revision
- Gradient, midpoint and distance formulas
- Hyperbolic functions
- Inclination of a line
- Integrated numerical geometry problems
- Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines
- Pythagoras applications with reduction formulas
- Quadratic equations including the quadratic formula
- Quadratic functions
- Quadratic inequalities
- Quadratic number patterns
- Reduction formulas and co-functions with variables
- Reduction formulas with values including special angles
- Roots and surds
- Scatterplots
- Simultaneous equations
- Sine rule
- Solving quadratic equations by completing the square
- Solving riders
- Statistics: Integrated problems
- Surd equations
- Trigonometric equations
- Trigonometric functions
- Trigonometric identities
- Variance and Standard Deviation
- Venn diagrams
- 2D Trigonometriese probleme
- Berekeninge met wortelvorme
- Breuke in vergelykings
- Eksponensiële funksies
- Eksponensiële uitdrukkings
- Eksponensiële vergelykings
- Euklidiese meetkunde
- Funksies: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Geïntegreerde numeriese meetkunde probleme
- Graad 10 Hersiening
- Gradiënt, middelpunt- en afstandsformule
- Hiperboliese funksies
- Kosinus-reël
- Kwadratiese funksies
- Kwadratiese getalpatrone
- Kwadratiese ongelykhede
- Kwadratiese vergelykings insluitend die kwadratiese formule
- Mond-en-snor diagramme, uitskieters en verspreiding van data
- Oplos van kwadratiese vergelykings deur vierkantsvoltooiing
- Oplos van meetkundige vraagstukke/probleme
- Oppervlakte-reël
- Pythagoras toepassings met reduksieformules
- Reduksieformules en ko-funksies met veranderlikes
- Reduksieformules met waardes insluitend spesiale hoeke
- Sinus-reël
- Spreidiagramme
- Statistiek: Geïntegreerde probleme
- Trigonometriese identiteite
- Trigonometriese vergelykings
- Variansie en standaardafwyking
- Vierkantsvoltooiing insluitend maksimum en minimum
- Wortels en wortelvorme
- Wortelvorm vergelykings
- Banking
- Break-even analysis
- Budgets and statements of income and expenditure
- Calculating perimeter, area and volume
- Collecting and Organising data
- Conversions and converting between liquid and solid quantities
- Cost price and selling price
- Displaying data
- Exchange Rates
- Inflation
- Interest
- Measuring length, weight, temperature and volume
- Models and Plans
- Patterns, relationships and representations
- Probability
- Scale and Mapwork
- Summarising data
- Tariff Systems
- Time
- VAT and UIF
- Advertensies – Taal in konteks
- Afkortings en Akronieme
- Begripstoetse
- Byvoeglike Naamwoorde – Trappe van Vergelyking en Intensiewe Vorme
- Byvoeglike Naamwoorde – Verboë vorme, attributief en predikatief
- Bywoorde en Hulpwerkwoorde
- Direkte en indirekte rede, Lees en skryftekens
- Drama – Kenmerke en begrip
- Enkelvoudige en saamgestelde sinne, voegwoorde.
- Gedigte – Algemeen
- Gedigte – Vergelykings, Metafore, Personifikasie, Alliterasie, Assonansie
- Homofone, Homonieme en Paronieme
- Kortverhaal – kenmerke en begrip
- Letterlike en figuurlike betekenis, idiome, gevoelstaal
- Lydende en bedrywende (STOMPI)
- Ontkenning en woordorde (STOMPI)
- Selfstandige naamwoorde – Eiename, Soortname, Versamelname, abstrakte selfstandige naamwoord
- Selfstandige naamwoorde – meervoude, verkleining, geslag
- Sinonieme, Antonieme en Leenwoorde
- Sinsoorte – Stelsin, Bevelsin, Vraagsin, Uitroepsin
- Spelreëls, Spelfoute, Woorde wat verwar
- Spotprente – Taal in konteks
- Stamme, Afleidings en Samestellings
- Tyd en tydsvorme
- Veralgemening, stereotipering, feite of menings
- Voorsetsels en Voornaamwoorde
- Werkwoorde en Deelwoorde
- Woordsoorte – Algemeen
- Active and Passive Voice
- Ambiguity, Puns, Malapropism, Irony
- Comprehensions
- Direct and Reported Speech
- Drama – Characteristics and understanding
- Figures of speech
- Jargon, Slang and Euphemisms
- Literal and Figurative Language, Idiomatic expressions
- Novels: Characteristics and understanding
- Poetry
- Sentences: Phrases and Clauses
- Sentences: Subject, Verb, Object
- Spelling: Americanisms, Homophones and Homonyms, Words that confuse
- Stereotyping, Bias, Fact and Opinion
- Summary
- Textual editing: Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Textual Editing: Adjectives and Adverbs
- Textual Editing: Different types of Nouns, Pronouns
- Textual Editing: Miscellaneous errors
- Textual editing: Parts of Speech
- Textual Editing: Prepositions, Conjunctions
- Textual Editing: Punctuation and Spelling
- Textual Editing: Verbs – Tenses and Concord
- Visual Literacy: Advertising
- Visual Literacy: Cartoons
- Animal nutrition (mammals): Process of digestion
- Biodiversity – classification of micro-organisms: Fungi and protists (including malaria and thrush)
- Biodiversity – classification of micro-organisms: Immunity and medicine
- Biodiversity – classification of micro-organisms: Virus and bacteria (including HIV and TB).
- Biodiversity of animals
- Biodiversity of plants
- Energy transformations: Respiration
- Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
- Clubs: Concepts, ledger, statement of receipts and payments
- Fixed assets
- Partnerships: Adjustments, ledger, accounting equations, final accounts
- Partnerships: Financial statements and notes
- Reconciliation: bank and creditors
- Adapting to challenges of the business environments
- Challenges of the business environment
- Creative thinking and problem solving
- Influences on business environments
- Stress, crisis and change management
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