Here’s everything your learners will get access to for Grade 12
Worksheets and Practice Exams!
The all-in-one South African studying tool that saves teachers and parents time, reduces stress, and helps children increase their school results all on their own.
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Features available for Grade 12:
Practice Exams
Features available for Grade 12:
Practice Exams
Curriculum content currently available for Grade 12:
Our Grade 12Â worksheets are currently only available in printable format, and cannot be completed online. Grade 12Â online worksheets are due to be released soon.
Die volgende inhoud is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar.
- Analytical Geometry
- Calculus 1: Factor theorem
- Calculus 2: Introduction
- Calculus 3: Graphs
- Calculus 4: Applications
- Inverses and Logarithms
- Series and Sequences 1: Arithmetic
- Series and Sequences 2: Geometric
- Series and Sequences 3: Convergence and infinity
- Trigonometry 1: Revision
- Trigonometry 2: Compound angles
- Advertensies 1
- Advertensies 2
- Advertensies 3
- Advertensies 4
- Begripstoets: Die “Fab” Professor
- Begripstoets: Groen, groener, groenste
- Begripstoets: Kaalvoet oor die Waterberg
- Begripstoets: Lego, 90 jaar van boupret
- Begripstoets: Mooiste kuns met ‘n tikmasjien
- Begripstoets: ‘n Buffet vir voëls in jou tuin.
- Begripstoets: Nou is ek darem lus vir ‘n glas yskoue Coke!
- Begripstoets: Robothond
- Drama 1: Poppie – Die Drama
- Drama 2: Paljas
- Drama 3: Fiela se kind
- Gedigte: Die dans van die reën en Sproeireën
- Gedigte: Die heks van Hexrivier en Die Hanswors
- Gedigte: Haar uitvaart en Die hardloper
- Gedigte: Krisis & Ken jy die see
- Gedigte: Wetenskapmannetjies en Eksamenlokaal
- Kenmerke van Transaksionele tekste
- Kortverhale: Die droom en Geluk in ongeluk
- Kortverhale: Kringloop en Die vlek
- Kortverhale: Opdrag en Kom ons stuur vir Tasu
- Kortverhale: Two-step in die Moederstad en ‘n Hulpelose Samaritaan
- Opsommings 1
- Opsommings 2
- Roman 1: Kringe in ‘n bos
- Roman 2: Die ongelooflike avonture van Hanna Hoekom
- Roman 3: Meeulanders
- Roman 4: Lien se lankstaanskoene
- Spotprent 1
- Spotprent 2
- Spotprent 3
- Spotprent 4
- Taal in konteks 1
- Taal in konteks 2
- Taal in konteks 3
- Taal in konteks 4
- Taal in konteks 5
- Taal in konteks 6
- Advertising 1
- Advertising 2
- Advertising 3
- Advertising 4
- Advertising 5
- Cartoons 1
- Cartoons 2
- Cartoons 3
- Cartoons 4
- Cartoons 5
- Comprehension: How bleak should dystopian fiction be?
- Comprehension: The Covid generation
- Comprehension: The history of the fork
- Comprehension: The Pressure to Post
- Comprehension: The soap opera surrounding the royal family
- Comprehension: Why is fat-shaming an ‘acceptable’ prejudice?
- Comprehensions: China tightens limits for young online gamers.
- Comprehensions: To be or not to be a teen in 2022
- Drama: Hamlet 1
- Drama: Hamlet 2
- Drama: Othello 1
- Drama: Othello 2
- Drama: The Crucible
- Language and Editing Skills 1
- Language and Editing Skills 2
- Language and Editing Skills 3
- Language and Editing Skills 4
- Language and Editing Skills 5
- Language and Editing Skills 6
- Novel: Life of Pi (1)
- Novel: Life of Pi (2)
- Novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
- Novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray (2)
- Poetry 1: Sonnet 130 and The child who was shot dead by soldiers in Nyanga
- Poetry 2: At a funeral and Poem of return
- Poetry 3: Prayer to Masks and Talk to the Peach Tree
- Poetry 4: The Morning Sun is Shining and Solitude
- Poetry 5: This Winter Coming and The Shipwreck
- Poetry 6: Fern Hill and It is a beauteous evening, calm and free
- Poetry 7: Unseen poetry
- Summaries 1
- Summaries 2
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