Here’s everything your learners will get access to for Grade 12
Worksheets and Practice Exams!
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Features available for Grade 12:


Practice Exams
Features available for Grade 12:


Practice Exams
Curriculum content currently available for Grade 12:
- Application using logs and theory of functions
- Arithmetic sequences and series
- Compound and double angles
- Cubic functions
- Derivative by first principles
- Differentiation
- Equation of a circle
- Equation of a tangent to a circle
- Geometric sequences and series
- Grade 11 Revision: Euclidean geometry
- Grade 11 Revision: Functions
- Grade 11 Revision: Number patterns
- Grade 11 Revision: Trigonometry
- Inverse functions
- Maxima and minima
- Reductions (including numerical values and letters)
- Sequences and series: Integrated problems
- Sigma notation
- Sum to infinity
- Theorem 1: Proportionality theorem
- Theorem 2: Similarity theorem
- Theorem 3: Pythagorean theorem
- Trigonometric equations
- Trigonometric graphs
- Trigonometric identities
- The factor and remainder theorem, solving cubic equations
- Cost price and selling price
- Financial documents
- Income, expenditures, profit and loss
- Tariff systems
- Taxation
Please note: This content is ONLY available in printable format.
- Differensiaalrekene – Inleiding
- Faktorstelling
- Gelykvormigheid en eweredigheid
- Graad 11 hersiening
- Grafieke
- Inverses en logaritmes
- Konvergensie
- Konvergensie en oneindigheid
- Meetkundig
- Rekenkundig
- Saamgestelde hoeke
- Toepassings
- Trigonometrie – Hersiening
- Advertensies 1
- Advertensies 2
- Advertensies 3
- Advertensies 4
- Begripstoets: Die “Fab” Professor
- Begripstoets: Groen, groener, groenste
- Begripstoets: Kaalvoet oor die Waterberg
- Begripstoets: Lego, 90 jaar van boupret
- Begripstoets: Mooiste kuns met ‘n tikmasjien
- Begripstoets: ‘n Buffet vir voëls in jou tuin.
- Begripstoets: Nou is ek darem lus vir ‘n glas yskoue Coke!
- Begripstoets: Robothond
- Drama 1: Poppie – Die Drama
- Drama 2: Paljas
- Drama 3: Fiela se kind
- Gedigte: Die dans van die reën en Sproeireën
- Gedigte: Die heks van Hexrivier en Die Hanswors
- Gedigte: Haar uitvaart en Die hardloper
- Gedigte: Krisis & Ken jy die see
- Gedigte: Wetenskapmannetjies en Eksamenlokaal
- Kenmerke van Transaksionele tekste
- Kortverhale: Die droom en Geluk in ongeluk
- Kortverhale: Kringloop en Die vlek
- Kortverhale: Opdrag en Kom ons stuur vir Tasu
- Kortverhale: Two-step in die Moederstad en ‘n Hulpelose Samaritaan
- Opsommings 1
- Opsommings 2
- Roman 1: Kringe in ‘n bos
- Roman 2: Die ongelooflike avonture van Hanna Hoekom
- Roman 3: Meeulanders
- Roman 4: Lien se lankstaanskoene
- Spotprent 1
- Spotprent 2
- Spotprent 3
- Spotprent 4
- Taal in konteks 1
- Taal in konteks 2
- Taal in konteks 3
- Taal in konteks 4
- Taal in konteks 5
- Taal in konteks 6
- Advertising 1
- Advertising 2
- Advertising 3
- Advertising 4
- Advertising 5
- Cartoons 1
- Cartoons 2
- Cartoons 3
- Cartoons 4
- Cartoons 5
- Comprehension: How bleak should dystopian fiction be?
- Comprehension: The Covid generation
- Comprehension: The history of the fork
- Comprehension: The Pressure to Post
- Comprehension: The soap opera surrounding the royal family
- Comprehension: Why is fat-shaming an ‘acceptable’ prejudice?
- Comprehensions: China tightens limits for young online gamers.
- Comprehensions: To be or not to be a teen in 2022
- Drama: Hamlet 1
- Drama: Hamlet 2
- Drama: Othello 1
- Drama: Othello 2
- Drama: The Crucible
- Language and Editing Skills 1
- Language and Editing Skills 2
- Language and Editing Skills 3
- Language and Editing Skills 4
- Language and Editing Skills 5
- Language and Editing Skills 6
- Novel: Life of Pi (1)
- Novel: Life of Pi (2)
- Novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
- Novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray (2)
- Poetry 1: Sonnet 130 and The child who was shot dead by soldiers in Nyanga
- Poetry 2: At a funeral and Poem of return
- Poetry 3: Prayer to Masks and Talk to the Peach Tree
- Poetry 4: The Morning Sun is Shining and Solitude
- Poetry 5: This Winter Coming and The Shipwreck
- Poetry 6: Fern Hill and It is a beauteous evening, calm and free
- Poetry 7: Unseen poetry
- Summaries 1
- Summaries 2
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