Pictured: Western Cape Premier Alan Winde with WorksheetCloud CFO Dereck Marnewick
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WorksheetCloud, a Cape Town-based edtech company, has made history by providing free, live-streamed online school lessons to over 40,000 South African learners in Grade 3 to 7 in just two days after launching.
WorksheetCloud, founded by father-and-son team Dereck and Adrian Marnewick, originally developed an award-winning exam study app that helps learners revise for school tests and exams.
“Twelve days ago we began thinking about ways in which to help the country during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Dereck Marnewick, Chief Financial Officer. “Social media was buzzing with parents pulling their hair out trying to homeschool their children. We have access to award-winning technology and highly experienced teachers, so we launched WorksheetCloud Live Lessons.”
About WorksheetCloud
WorksheetCloud is an edtech company founded in 2014. The company is bootstrapped (self-funded) and owned by the Marnewick family. WorksheetCloud.com is a premium exam study app that helps learners prepare for tests and exams from Grades 1 to 12. WorksheetCloud Live Lessons is a project developed by WorksheetCloud and was launched on 2 April 2020.
About MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet
MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is one of South Africa’s biggest fundraising programmes and raises over R4 million every month to help over 8,000 schools, charities and animal welfare organisations. The programme allows you to make a difference, just by shopping.
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