by Kayleen Olivier | Feb 1, 2017 | Fun & Stuff, Learning & Study
Puzzles are still a fantastic way to occupy your child’s time and assist their learning in surprising ways. Here’s 9 reasons why word puzzles are an important and good activity for your child on a daily basis.
by Kayleen Olivier | Jan 25, 2017 | Good Parenting
Homework is something to be expected at the beginning of every new school year. Here are 5 ways to make homework a little easier and a lot less stressful.
by Kayleen Olivier | Jan 18, 2017 | Good Parenting
It may seem a bit daunting and even produce a sense of anxiety, but the first parent teacher meeting is a very important part of your child’s school year. Here’s what to do.
by Kayleen Olivier | Nov 15, 2016 | Exam Help, Good Parenting
For many parents, poor grades are a source of concern. Is your child facing an educational speed-bump that could put their plans for the future on hold?
by Kayleen Olivier | Oct 24, 2016 | Exam Help, Good Parenting, Learning & Study
Teens aren’t motivated to do things that don’t matter, don’t seem important or are about satisfying an agenda that doesn’t relate to them. Here are seven ways to motivate your teenager.