2 children sitting at desk back to back

From FAILING to PASSING Exams in Only 12 Weeks: Here’s How We Did It

Written by Adrian Marnewick

As parents (and I speak for myself here too), we’re just human. We make mistakes. We don’t always get it right.

I speak from first-hand experience as a parent of a 14 year old boy. I know that life can be tough and throw curve balls you just didn’t expect. I know just how important it is for my son (and even me as a parent!) to have a balanced life. After all, what happens when you don’t have balance? You fall over and hurt yourself.

But should that stop us from trying? The answer will always be a very definite NO. By all means possible, we need to stick it out alongside our children in order to give them the best future possible, and guide them even when we don’t exactly know the way ourselves.

Exam Procrastination

That’s why I breathed a massive sigh of relief when my son completed his last exam of the second school term. We had spent nearly 3 months preparing and revising for the exams. There were several ups and downs during this time, several moments of feeling victorious as a parent, and several moments of feeling like I had failed him. I’m sure there were also several moments where he felt like he had failed me. But that’s just how this interesting thing called parenting goes – it’s a daily struggle of watching your child learn and grow, while learning and growing so much yourself.

The reason I was able to breathe a sigh of relief after his last exam, wasn’t so much to do with the fact that the exams were now officially over, but rather to do with the fact that I knew in my heart that my wife and I had done everything we possibly could to help our son do his best for those exams.

And the reason I in particular put in so much effort during the second term, is because I saw first-hand the negative impact my own procrastination had on my son’s first term results. It was his first year in high school and the 1st term tests crept up on me quicker than Chuck Norris’ pumped up kicks. In other words – I had not planned in advance. Not as well as I should have. Life got in the way, or that’s what I told myself.

It was my fear of not knowing how to help him prepare for exams, and not knowing where to begin, that lead to this procrastination. I was afraid that my exam study plan wouldn’t be “perfect” enough.

Looking back months later, I realised that I had not prioritised my son’s learning and education as well as I could have during that 1st term. Fortunately, I realised this failure to act before the 2nd term started, which meant that I could plan in advance for the 2nd term. Low and behold, it made a huge, positive difference to my son’s school report. It also taught me a valuable lesson: preparation and planning DOES work. It also made my son feel far more confident to tackle the exams.

How did I improve (as a parent) during the 2nd term?

For starters, I recognised that the failure to plan amounts to planning to fail. It sounds like a cliche. It’s actually the truth.

I took the following steps (exactly in this order) and my son’s school results improved quite markedly:

1. We sat down and I opened up to him by being completely honest.

As my son is growing up, he is becoming more independent. That’s natural, and good. Which meant I could have a frank, open discussion with him about his school results. However, instead of simply blaming him for his poor 1st term results, the first and most important thing I did was point out how I had failed him.

I did not show anger nor disappointment towards him for bringing home a poor report. I avoided using negative words, but I didn’t mince my words either. I was direct and honest, and pointed out that working hard at school and passing subjects is not an option but rather a necessary part of life.

I pointed out how difficult and busy life had been for me over the past few months, and how that meant I didn’t realise how quickly the 1st term test series would arrive. I hadn’t looked at the calendar and hadn’t planned properly on his behalf.

I made a promise that the 2nd term (and all future terms) would be different because I’d help him plan for exams properly. He made a promise to commit to the plan. His commitment to the plan waxed and waned repeatedly over time, but that’s understandable because it’s natural human behaviour to feel very motivated one day, and very demotivated the next. However, as the parent, I had to be as consistently motivating as possible throughout the plan.

A note to you as the reader: you might be asking yourself why a 14 year old boy wasn’t planning for his own exams? Isn’t he old enough to take charge of his learning? If you know anything about the average 14 year old boy, you’ll know that exams are not a top priority, and that most normal children need a lot of pushing and motivating to get them interested in schoolwork. Be grateful if you have a child who simply does everything he or she is required to do! My real goal is to get my son to the point where he is equipped to manage his own life. I’ll explain more about that towards the end of this post.

2. I looked at a calendar. This was not rocket science.

I decided that the best approach to planning is to determine a goal and then work backwards to determine how long it will take you to reach versus how much time you have available. That’s how we project manage here at WorksheetCloud.

The best place to find South African school term dates is a site called SA School Terms. They even count the weeks and days available in each term. It’s a lazy parent’s paradise for dates …

South African School Terms

Immediately I was able to spot that there were 11 weeks in total during the 2nd term. I compared this to the exam timetable received from my son’s school, and was able to calculate precisely the number of weeks I had available to work with when drawing up an exam study calendar for him.

Simply add up the total number of weeks that your child writes exams, then subtract that figure from the total weeks available in the term. This shows you how many weeks you have BEFORE exams begin, which is a great starting point.

3. I reviewed his school workbooks and textbooks.

Your child can’t study if they don’t have the notes and books to study from. This step involved taking a thorough look at my son’s workbooks and textbooks, and comparing them to the exam summary outline received from his school.

I was easily able to spot sections of work that would be assessed during the exam, that were incomplete in his books. The first step was getting him to complete his notes in full so that he had something to work with while studying.

4. I created a study timetable by working backwards.

Using a combination of the school exam timetable, the number of weeks available, and how much content my son needed to study, I began creating a study timetable to ensure that he would have sufficient time to summarise his work as well as study those summaries.

I also used the advice from WorksheetCloud’s free exam study plan guide to help me.

I created the study timetable in Microsoft Word (pretty simple). Here’s what the final study timetable looked like:

Study Timetable

You can download one of our free exam timetable templates here. Feel free to use them for upcoming exams (you’ll just need to update the days of the month etc.)

I split each subject into a session for creating summaries (notes from which to study) and a session that requires actual studying of those notes.

I cannot overstate the importance of having PROPER STUDY NOTES. Well written, well ordered study notes make revision much, much easier.

5. We reviewed the study timetable as a family.

I knew the critical element that would determine the success of this plan would be to get my son’s buy-in, to make him feel like he had a voice during this process. Once I had drafted the study timetable, our entire family sat together to review the timetable while taking into consideration each person’s personal calendars (social, sport, religion, family time, relaxation etc.).

We had to ensure that the study timetable was realistic, and that personal commitments we intended making were also realistic in terms of focusing on priorities (e.g. is a night out at the movies more important than spending time studying?).

There were a few small changes that needed to be made to the study timetable once my son provided his input. This process made him feel like he was in charge of his own schedule (which is a big thing for a 14 year old!).

6. I purchased flip folders to store revision summaries for each subject.

As mentioned in point 4 above, I cannot overstate the importance of having PROPER STUDY NOTES that are well written and well ordered.

I purchased several flip folders and labelled them for each subject. Once my son began making summaries from his school books and textbooks, he was able to store the summaries in a flip folder for easy future reference when the study sessions began. Any folder or binder will do the job, so you don’t specifically need to use flip folders.

The front cover of my son’s Social Sciences flip folder. An original artwork masterpiece.

7. I searched through WorksheetCloud for relevant content and practice exams.

As part of the preparation process, I accessed my WorksheetCloud account (yes, I have a free account because I work at WorksheetCloud), and was able to find about 90% of ALL the practice worksheets and exams my son would need to help him revise for the real exams. This saved a huge amount of time.

The other 10% I was able to source from his school workbooks and textbooks.

WorksheetCloud New Colours

8. We got stuck in with summaries.

I’ll mention this again because it’s THAT important – I cannot overstate the importance of having PROPER STUDY NOTES that are well written and well organised.

My son made use of different colour pens and highlighters to easily identify where certain key concepts and ideas started and ended, meaning that when he began studying from these summary notes a few weeks later, he would be presented with logical, ordered summaries that were easy to study from.

Here’s an example of a History summary …

Study Notes

Notice how important ideas and topics are separated with bullet points and lines. This makes studying easier …

A very happy “THE END” signals a break from studying, and playing a bit of well-deserved Fortnite or Xbox for an hour or two …

9. We got stuck in with focused study sessions.

As per the exam study timetable, we needed to study (retain the knowledge) from the summary notes for each subject.

For content subjects like Social Science and Natural Science, we studied by reviewing the summary notes, and then writing down key points and sentences on a scrap piece of paper. My son would then close his eyes and recall from memory what he had just written, point by point.

For logic subjects like Maths and languages, we practiced, practiced, and then practiced some more.

WorksheetCloud helped with the practice of both the content and logic subjects, and thanks to the automatic marking of the online worksheets, I was able to quickly see which subjects my son needed to spend more time learning and studying.

10. I followed the advice on WorksheetCloud’s blog.

During the course of the 2nd term, WorksheetCloud sent a weekly email to parents about exams. Each email focused on a different exam topic. Here is a summary of all the exam topics parents received from WorksheetCloud:

11. I motivated my son, every, single, day. And it worked!

One of the most important things I’d do on a daily basis was to remind my son that by working diligently, he could achieve the goal he set for himself: a better school report.

I was sure to use positive rather than negative language, and despite sometimes wanting to scream “why aren’t you taking your work seriously?!?” I somehow always managed to remain calm. The key was remaining calm, which helped him remain calm. Someone who is calm can think clearly and positively. Someone who is stressed can often only see the glass as half empty.

I am an adult, so I made sure to act like an adult.

It worked – as I sit at my desk typing this, I received a Whatsapp message from my son with a list of his exam results. He passed his exams and improved on 7 out of 10 subjects!

What was the difference between term 1 and 2?

In term 1, I procrastinated for far too long, putting off focusing on my son’s educational needs until it was too late. His term 1 report bore evidence to this.

But in term 2, thanks to having a plan in place, and with much persistence in implementing that plan, my son not only passed his exams but did really well. My wife and I were truly overjoyed, but most importantly, my son felt like a winner instead of a failure. By improving his “can do” attitude towards school, and thanks to a lot of hard work from my wife and me despite the other things we both needed to do such as work and provide for the family, we turned a bad school report into a great school report within the space of about 12 weeks.

What is the ACTUAL goal I’m trying to achieve?

As mentioned earlier, my goal is to help my son reach the point where he is managing his own learning and managing his own life. After all, this is what becoming an adult is all about.

There is no point in being a helicopter-parent and doing everything for your child. But there is a lot of value in equipping your child with the right tools and teaching them the right techniques so that they can start doing things for themselves.

My father and mother taught me things. They showed me what a good exam study timetable looks like. They taught me how to manage my time. How to manage my life. Then they sent me out into the world and motivated and encouraged me. Your responsibility as a parent doesn’t end with simply teaching your child some valuable skills and lessons. It also requires continuously motivating and encouraging your child once you’ve equipped them with the skills they need to tackle life.

What is the KEY to ALL of this?

Early preparation. It’s that simple.

At WorksheetCloud, we regularly have parents contacting us frantically at 11pm with messages like “I’ve forgotten my WorksheetCloud username and my child writes Maths tomorrow! Please help!”.

We literally get messages like that. And often it boils down to poor planning and preparation, or more simply put: procrastination.

If your procrastination is affecting your child’s education, know that I’m not judging you. Not one bit. After all, I’m guilty of procrastination that affected my own child’s results. But you can learn from my experience and do better next time. Use term 3 as an opportunity to make a difference to your child’s education.

Successful Parents Struggles Blog

Plan to fit in regular revision sessions even though the end of year exams are several months away. This helps you and your child get into a good revision rhythm. Consider signing up to a product like WorksheetCloud. Find an extra lesson tutor for your child’s worst subject. Personally spend an hour or two with your child each week. Email your child’s teacher for advice and help. Purchase folders to store study notes neatly, and use them! Make healthy meals and get your child to exercise. Do whatever you can, and whatever it takes, to motivate your child to do better next time.

Just get started. That’s how you’ll win. By taking the first step. If you procrastinate and do nothing, then both you and your child will lose. I understand that you might not have the time or resources available to do ALL of the things I’ve listed above, or that perhaps you have a child that is not currently able to do these things for themselves. But the point is that doing SOMETHING positive for your child’s education is better than doing nothing at all.

The third term has just begun, which presents you with the perfect opportunity to start making a difference to your child’s end of year school results. Just get started and don’t look back.

What’s stopping you from helping your child? I’m genuinely interested to know, so please leave your comments, thoughts and struggles below. I personally read each and every comment …

The Author - Adrian Marnewick

Adrian is the Product Director and Co-founder of Learning Lab Apps, the company that develops WorksheetCloud. He is an activist for technology in education, but also a firm believer in the effectiveness of good, old fashioned, hands-on teaching.

WorksheetCloud is the most exciting way to study for exams and tests!

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  1. Kadtija Mia

    Thank you so much for this read. I was looking for a bit of motivation since the holidays. This is extremely inspiring…makes me want to start immediately with revision and exam prep…after such a relaxing holiday. Thank you once again.

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks so much Kadtija! This means a great deal to me. I told myself that if this post could help just one family, I’d feel like my job was done. Get started with exam prep as soon as you can! 🙂

      • Marcus

        I am I same boat roughly… Only differences is I’m a single dad, long distance trucker who is seldom at home but has tried much of what u said… And it worked for a while.. Till I lost focus…. Now we are so deep in the sinking sand it’s not funny… Worse still is because I have been unemployed for 5 months his tutoring centre has said he cannot return.. 3 weeks before exams with me not knowing heads or tales of what to teach.. The past 5 months I have literally been a mindless unfocused lemming… And now I am suddenly being SHOCKED into takingcogniscence of the trouble I have created.. But am still floundering… So to hear a PROFESSIONAL admit to feelings, emotions and actions that I am guilty of made me feel a little more motivated to find a way forward.. Unfortunately financially I can’t go the route recommended but somehow we will have to self motivate and plan… THANKS AMIL FOR SHARING..

    • Juliet

      Thank you so much for being so open to share this with others. I feel like a normal person and mother. I love the pictures of his writing, now I feel like just have a normal child
      My son is 14years old and in grade 8. I related soon much to this and feel truly motivated and definitely want to try Worksheetcloud. Thanks !

    • Sharleen

      Hi Adrian
      My son is also 14 and has failed the past 2 terms. Like you said, life has become so busy. My son needs my help. I know that, eventho he don’t ask. The problem we facing is, he looses focus during exams or even in class. He very often completes his exams which results in him loosing marks. Most of the time
      he’s behind with his work. He is attending OT classes. I wish I didn’t have to work so I could stay home and home school him or even put him in a school that can assist him with his needs but unfortunately, finance doesn’t
      allow it. Also I wish schoolwork could be done on laptops as he is a slow writer as well. Going to school once a week also doesn’t help the issues at hand. So ya, that’s my dilemma.

  2. Linda

    Thanks for the information on the planning, the same thing happened to me & my son. We also had great improvement & results with term 2 report card. I think this planning & summarizing work will surely improve even more, my son also has ADHD, turning 13 soon and last year in primary school. Please send anything my way that can also assist in concentrating/focusing for studying. Grade 7 difficult subject!

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks for your comment Linda! It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only parent who experienced this. Really happy to hear that you saw improvements in your son’s 2nd term report. We found the planning and summarising process to be hugely beneficial.

      In terms of ADHD, we are planning on writing a number of blog posts this term to help parents of learners with ADHD. Keep tuned! You should also consider signing up to WorksheetCloud if you’re not already a member. It has great Grade 7 content and is designed in a way that captivates a child’s attention. You may find that it helps with your son’s concentration span when studying. You can find out more here: http://www.worksheetcloud.com


        I am very please to hear that you will cover article /be dealing with children with ADHD ,as my child(12 in grade 7) was diagnosed about 4 years ago,but he is on medication,but he still struggles a lot to concentrate and focus in class .I had to see his teaches twice this year about his behavior.So an article on how to assist him in class and when studying would be very much appreciated.Cos I really would welcome any form of assistance in order for me to help him at the end.

  3. Anisa

    Thanks soo much for this post Adrian. Just like your article states that as parents need to constantly motivate and encourage our kids to reach their goals, we as parents also require the same thing. Therefore your article has definitely motivated me and encouraged me to try and plan and stick to a plan with my son. Also, I must add that I’m soo glad that the Worksheet Cloud articles always reassure me that in today’s times it is normal and a necessity to be a hands on parent with your kids education. Thank you again.

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks Anisa! This means a lot to me. You’ve also given me another blog post topic idea. There are many parents out there who seem to think that there must be something wrong with their child if they need to be a hands-on parent with education. You are correct, it has become the norm, and this is something we should be talking about in a positive rather than negative light. Really happy to hear you’ve found our content useful! 🙂

  4. Juanita

    This sounds wonderfull my only concern is where do one fit all this study and summeries between homework?

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks for your comment Juanita! The KEY is balance, and that’s why it’s very important to look at your family schedule and be honest about things that are absolutely essential versus things that can be put on hold for a while in order to give your child the time they’ll need to fit in summarising and studying. It’s definitely not easy, but it’s also not rocket science either. When you find yourself at the point that you no longer have time to fit in studying, that’s the time when you need to sit down and do this exercise of evaluating your schedule as a family. And remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel because exams don’t last forever! 😉

    • Tumi

      This is just what I needed to know today. Thank you

      • Ross Frank

        You’re so welcome Tumi! 🙂

  5. Nirosha Van Der Merwe

    Wow!! I am so glad I did not just delete the email with this link. I really enjoyed this piece. Just this morning I was driving to work thinking about this exact same thing. I am exactly where you were and didnt know how to get around it. Now I have some idea of what I was doing wrong and what I can do better. Esp the obtaining of their input into the study timetable and writing summaries. Thanks so very much for this 🙂 Starting today for sure

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks so much Nirosha! I hope you’ve started for 3rd term preparation then. I started with my son this week. So far, so good. 🙂

  6. Ian

    Great article and inspiration. My son is also 14 years now an believe me it is not easy to get him focused on his schoolwork. I was so interested that I read the whole article whereas before I would have just ignored or deleted it. Will definitely put it to the test. Thanks

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks Ian! Be sure to keep an eye out for all our upcoming blog posts. They will all centre around helping prepare your child for tests and exams. Glad that you found this info useful!

  7. Wendy

    I find a solo parent to a 7 year old in grade 1 and an ADHD 13 year old in Grade 7, I start well but I simply do not have the capacity or stamina to keep it up. I fetch my daughter from aftercare at 5, home, dinner, homework, prepare for next day. I took my son out of aftercare because I found they were not supporting the schedule and all he wanted to do was hangout with his buddies.

    BUT – I think this term, we can start with study notes. It is something we haven’t worked with before.

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Spot on Wendy – doing something is better than doing nothing. As a single parent with two children, if all you’re able to achieve this term is a start with good, well-organised study notes, then you’ll be miles ahead of MOST households with two parents. Trust me.

      We’ll be doing more posts on ADD/ADHD support in the next few months. Keep and eye out.

      Good luck with those study notes!

  8. Thabi

    Thnx teacher will surely utilise these wise steps to successful exam time;Thabi

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks Thabi! Glad you’ve found this article useful! 🙂

  9. Dereck

    Thanks for this excellent article Adrian.

    As a grandparent I’m certainly going to take note and assist my grandchildren where and when possible.

    As grandparents we could help play a vital role in the education of our grandchildren – they sometimes listen to us more than to their parents 🙂

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Great point Dereck. Grandparents also have a role to play in education children. Thanks for your comment! 🙂

  10. Berenice

    Thanks Adrian for your advice do appreciate, but I struggle to get my son fit in all his homework for, he has such a lot of sports his involved with and some times get home very tired. And it’s difficult to get him doing it. But we do try our utmost and sincerely hopes he will make it this term with maths and English

  11. Tracey Benson

    Excellent piece and something every parent should read! Just a little organisation goes a long way.

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks Tracey! Absolutely, it’s all in the organisation. 🙂

  12. Mbalenhle

    The artcle is motivating, but right now I feel so devastated since I received my 14 year old son’s results. he failed 5 subjects including english and maths. he failed both term 1 and term 2 and I was hoping for the best this term the way I helped him to prepare for the exams. I know that I am a very hands on mother, but when things turned out like this i don’t know what to do anymore. Is possible that he can still pass the grade 8? I am very depressed and scared that he is going to repeat the grade!

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Hi Mbalenhle

      I know exactly how that devastation feels, and so do thousands of other parents. So don’t worry, you’re not alone.

      Yes, your son can still pass Grade 8 if you take the right steps immediately.

      I’d start with speaking to his teachers as they are in a good position to be able to offer some advice based on your son as an individual.

      Then, get yourself organised by following the steps in my blog post above. There is still time. Don’t lose hope.


  13. Crystal Paulse

    Hi Adrian This has been SUCH a good read! I have been wanting to start the 3rd term off to a good start and haven’t really had the time to sit and plan and have been putting it off and this has just made me realise that I need to be the one planning if we are going to get the desired results! I could SO relate to your ENTIRE story – I have a son who is 15 and Worksheet Cloud helped us get through Term 2 and the exams (even though we woke up late) and now I have ENOUGH time and NO excuse to do all I need to help him get through Term 3! Really very helpful thank you so much!

    • Adrian Marnewick

      Thanks Crystal! I really appreciate it. I wrote it because I know that there are many parents, including you, that can relate to my story. We’re all in this together.

      Also, thanks for using WorksheetCloud! I’m happy to hear it’s helping. 🙂

  14. Fatima

    I have used the study timetable provided by Worksheet Cloud. however what we (my son and I) struggle with is to stick to the plan. there is so little time to fit in everything in. But will use it again as he is grade 6 this year. what I find is that the kids are so bombarded with homework , extra murals , we Muslim so afternoon Islamic studies are included and almost have no time just to relax. its a bit tough but I’m working on the “not screaming and negativity” part of responding.

  15. Jolande

    My son is in grade 10 and has ADD. When the tests came back and they told us he has learning difficulties I jumped in and started summarizing his work and trying to explain the work to him. Unfortunately since grade 4. So, now we sitting in a situation were he can not do his own summaries and he is in grade 10! I also got to a point were I can’t do this anymore…. I also need to attend to my other boy. We had him tested and the Dr said he struggles to grasp what he is reading. How do you help a child with learning difficulties? He is trying so hard but just can’t summarize. Any suggestions will be greatly helpful . When will you girls start summarizing and helping the grade 10-12 students….

    • Ross Frank

      Hi Jolande! Thanks for your comment on our blog! I completely understand your concern. I have a suggestion that you could maybe try, as well as a few very useful blog articles for you to have a look through when you have time.

      We’ve had fantastic feedback from parents and learners about how WorksheetCloud is assisting them. However, as each child is different, we cannot definitely say that a WorksheetCloud subscription will work for your child (depending on their learning style). However, you’ll find that WorksheetCloud covers the required CAPS Curriculum excellently and we’re confident that your child will benefit from a WorksheetCloud subscription if it is used consistently as part of their revision or homework routine.

      When you make use of these worksheets, my suggestion would be to first start helping by completing an open book worksheet (doing the worksheet with their school books next to them, which they can refer to for answers), then you can mark their work together. This will help them to draw connections from the work in their textbook to the written answers they gives. Marking it together will help build their confidence and they will feel supported (try to make a big deal of the answers they got correct).

      Then they should complete the worksheet again, but this time with no books and no help. Once completed they can either mark it alone, or you can mark it together again. Maybe make it a bit of a competition, where for every correct answer they get 5 minutes of T.V time (or any activity he loves). Incentives work like a charm! This will help to pinpoint the specific areas of that topic that require further study. Talk with them about the questions they got wrong and look for the correct answers or explanations in his school books. They can then read through the work again and then attempt the worksheet a third time.

      All three attempts don’t have to be done in one day, you can spread them out, depending on his concentration ability and extra mural responsibilities. Going over the work, with guidance from you and his books, will help a lot.

      WorksheetCloud also provides interactive online worksheets that are very easy to follow and fun to do. Each worksheet that you do contains 6 questions; this means that your child doesn’t have to concentrate for long periods at a time. When they do a worksheet they can complete the 6 questions, take a break, and then continue doing the worksheets again. This allows the child to be able to focus just a little bit at a time so that they don’t feel frustrated or frazzled by the amount of questions.

      In addition to all of the above, you can also take a look at some of our latest blog posts cover you can find them here:


      I hope this helps. Please let us know if there are any other blog topics you would like for us to cover in the future or if you have any questions regarding our content.

      Ross 🙂

  16. Ben Baverstock

    Thanks so much this is going to help for my exams this term

    • Ross Frank

      Hi Ben, thanks for your lovely comment!

      I’m really happy to hear that you found our blog useful and I hope that this will help you with your upcoming exams this term! Good luck! 👍👍

  17. Michelle Haupt

    My daughter is in Grade 5. She is struggling with Maths and NS, especially after her teacher took sick leave right in thd middle of the year. I would like her to gain and maintain the same confidence she had prior to the lockdown..
    Now she has a different teacher who has been trying to squash the year’s work into 3days a week.
    I’ve used worksheetcloud last year. How can you help my daughter?

    • Kyle Roets

      Hi Michelle, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

      Covid certainly has made things a little more stressful and uncertain for schools and learners. The right amount of support isn’t being given and children are struggling. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back!

      WorksheetCloud has got you covered with hundreds of worksheets, online video lessons, tests and practice exams that will not only improve your daughter’s understanding of her work and confidence when it comes to her learning, but to have fun while doing so!

      With WorksheetCloud, your daughter can work at her own pace and have the ability to work on what he struggles with (Maths & NS), while being rewarded for the effort she puts in. She can study in a way that works best for her by choosing short bursts of practice questions that give her instant feedback, or longer practice exams that simulate a real exam environment at school.

      You can check out exactly how WorksheetCloud works as well as all of our cool new features here: https://www.worksheetcloud.com/how-it-works/

      Please also let us know if there are any other blog topics you would like us to cover in the future or if you have any questions regarding our content.

      Kyle 🙂


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